Friday, 23 February 2007

Hanging up the helmets

Well, back in Goa again, we stopped off in Murdeshwar for a few days, which is dominated by a 30 metre high Shiva statue on the cliff top. Unfortunately his right arm [ or one of them ] blew off in the monsoon and is now being supported by scaffolding. Upon searching for a shore temple we could see in the distance we came across a way onto the beach which didnt involve riding across too much dry sand - so we did what everyone dreams of doing-rode along a deserted beach , on the surfline wearing the biggest smile ever. A fantastic experience, which we recorded on video and stills [this computer is not recognising its own U.S.B. port so I cant post any photos yet.] We didnt get to the shore temple as a lagoon got in the way , but it didnt really matter.
Found the way to the temple the next day and , guess what, there was a whale skeleton laid out in front of it! The temple itself was small with carved wooden deities, all brightly painted - they get changed annually and we left with 2 of the previos years gods for good luck.
The ride up the coast was un eventfull, but enjoyable - the Goa border not being a problem as we snuk in behind a big 4x4 which was being pulled over - we emerged at the last minute, they blew whistles and shouted at us to stop but we laughed and carried on.
So this is it, the end of a good trip. We fly up to Rajasthan on the 28th Feb for a few days, then Delhi then home.
There are a few of us in Goa[ 5 ] looking to store bikes so we are collectively trying to rent a room where our babies can stay, nice and secure, dry - ready for next time.
joes bike got repaired and cheaper than he expected - but still 120 quid which is a hell of a lot over here, so he is storing his too. Perhaps we"ll do it all again next year!

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