Saturday, 25 November 2006

Exciting or what!

Our youngest son Joe , has returned from Ireland where he has been living for the last 4 years. And he is now at home with us ,in Norfolk. We had a mad welcome home bash last night which has left us a bit frazzled. But generally we are totally buzzed up by the forthcoming trip.
Its crazy, its not like we"ve never been to India before [20 or so visits?] but this trip is pressing all the right buttons and we are riding the wave with HUGE grins.
All of us have embraced new age technology and we have mp3 players, dvd cam corders, digital cameras, phones with cameras and wap stuff[ I ,dont understand that i will just ride the bike!] we even have walkie - talkies!! Learning how to use this gear is great fun and just adds to the excitement. Between us we have about700 ALBUMS ON MP3 so we should keep sane[?]
Perhaps we can rig up some sort of P.A. system so we can really blast it down the highway[he, he.]

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